KHE Virtual Services ... by Ally Cahee

The Virtual Analyst/Assistant is a self-employed, off-site administrative professional who assists businesses of every size. Traditionally known as offsite contractors, personal, administrative or executive assistants, and were just down the hall. But, in an age where technology has made the world a much smaller place and where more professionals are working from their homes or in satellite offices, the former "Assistant" has become "Virtual" and we are as close as your fingertips.
The main advantage of using KHE Virtual Services is complete flexibility. We can work as many or few hours required and only charge for the actual time worked. You can use us as a part time employee, for specific projects, or to just cover holiday's, maternity leave, or sickness.
With KHE Virtual Services you will have no employee costs (taxes, insurance, etc.) and can be rest assured you will be assigned the same assistant every time you use our service providing continuity and a proactive partnership for your business.
Please browse our website for more information about who we are and the services we provide. Contact us for more information on how we can help your business.